Fresh water pool is one of the swimming pools of Tulpė Sanatorium.  Fresh water pool offers a water slide, whirlpool bath, sauna and Turkish bath, contrast showers; after a bath, you can apply ice to your body. The depth of the flower-shaped pool ranges from 120 cm to 140 cm, width – from 11 to 9 m. Water temperature: 28°C. Water slide length: 33 m, height: 3.30 m. Windows of the pool space offer a unique view of Nemunas and city park.

Fresh water pool is one of the swimming pools of Tulpė Sanatorium.  Fresh water pool offers a water slide, whirlpool bath, sauna and Turkish bath, contrast showers; after a bath, you can apply ice to your body. The depth of the flower-shaped pool ranges from 120 cm to 140 cm, width – from 11 to 9 m. Water temperature: 28°C. Water slide length: 33 m, height: 3.30 m. Windows of the pool space offer a unique view of Nemunas and city park.

Cozy small mineral water pool with 6 underwater massage jets, a cascade and a Turkish bath. Pool width-2.80 m, length-5.25 m, depth -1.35 m. Water temperature -30-32 C, mineral water concentration-20%. Water and heat are closely linked to human nervous and circulatory systems, and metabolic processes. A person is able to relax like a baby during the massage in mineral water pool. Water temperature affects the body; it changes the process of thermoregulation, trophic tissue function, and it also eliminates products of metabolism from the body. In addition to the above mentioned healing effect of mineral water, you will decrease fatigue; emotional pressure in the pool, your circulation system will improve. Pool has cascade, vertical stretch mechanism for healing backbone, articular, peripheral nervous system diseases. Seven massage streams work here.
Cozy small mineral water pool with 6 underwater massage jets, a cascade and a Turkish bath. Pool width-2.80 m, length-5.25 m, depth -1.35 m. Water temperature -30-32 C, mineral water concentration-20%. Water and heat are closely linked to human nervous and circulatory systems, and metabolic processes. A person is able to relax like a baby during the massage in mineral water pool. Water temperature affects the body; it changes the process of thermoregulation, trophic tissue function, and it also eliminates products of metabolism from the body. In addition to the above mentioned healing effect of mineral water, you will decrease fatigue; emotional pressure in the pool, your circulation system will improve. Pool has cascade, vertical stretch mechanism for healing backbone, articular, peripheral nervous system diseases. Seven massage streams work here.
The sanatorium offer a separate small pool for the little ones (there is no age limit for children). Pool length: 4,6 m, width: 2,80 m, depth: 0,54 m, water temperature: 32°C. The separate children’s pool is located in the main pool space. The pool is equipped with two geyser jets; adults are strictly prohibited from using the children’s pool; only supervising adults can walk in the pool with the child. Children may use the pool only if they are wearing special swimming nappies.

People have been fascinated by essential oils for a long time; especially by their remedial properties and wonderful aromas. This therapy is often called the science of sense because it combines touch and smell. The organic and ecologic oils used in aromatherapy affect the body through skin and respiratory pathways. Aroma therapy is used for prophylaxis, rehabilitation, or to increase the effectiveness of other treatment currently in use. Depending on the choice of essential oils the effect of therapy differs; it can be soothing, stimulating, arousing or making the breathing easier. In the sanatorium “Tulpė” aroma therapy is combined with music therapy enabling the client to feel even greater healing and wellness effect.

Application of electric current through the skin for the purpose of pain control. During the procedure, two or more electrodes are placed on the skin and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is performed by modulating current pulse width, frequency and intensity. During the procedure, the patient experiences tingling effect of pulse currents. Therapeutic effects are noticeable after a single procedure.

Effects: highly effective at relieving sudden, acute and chronic pain, reducing inflammation, stimulating and normalizing stimulation and inhibition processes in the cortex.

The procedure is recommended for postoperative pain, peripheral nervous system diseases and injuries, pain syndrome and muscle weakness (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculopathy, polyneuropathy), inflammatory and degenerative diseases and injuries of the supporting locomotor apparatus (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, strained tendon), peripheral circulation disorders, vertebrogenic pain after sports injuries (strained muscles, bruising), stage I and II hypertonia, digestive diseases, obstipations, chronic muscle pain, chronic bone pain, pain caused by osteoarthritis, migraine and headaches.

This is a method of treatment using high-frequency alternating impulse current and high voltage. The procedure is recommended for those suffering from peripheral nervous system diseases, where patients experience circulatory disturbances and pain syndrome; it is also used to treat cardiovascular pathologies (Raynaud’s disease, migraine, etc.), impaired skin integrity and trophic ulcers, ear, nose, throat diseases and dental conditions. Therapeutic effect: relieves pain, improves circulation and improves immune function.  When using high-frequency currents, the effect always depends on the chosen procedure. The following physiological conditions occur during the procedure:

·   Slight increase of temperature, promoting cell metabolism and increasing oxygen absorption;

·   Expanded blood vessels and stimulated circulation;

·   Direct calming effect on nerve roots;

Low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields with varying frequency are used in BEMER therapy. They promote physiological processes of the body: microcirculation, blood oxygen saturation, removal of cell metabolites, and protein synthesis. Intensity of physical factors used in BEMER therapy corresponds to the natural electromagnetic fields of the body; therefore, the therapy helps to increase energy levels without any harmful side effects, effectively treating microcirculation, disorders of which are the primary cause of most chronic diseases and their progression.

The procedure effectively treats injuries, bone fractures, various wounds (including trophic ulcers, burns, etc.); damages of the supporting locomotor apparatus (acute and chronic joint inflammations, such as osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis), chronic pain, sleep disorders, consequences of stress; improves tissue circulation and stimulates the immune system. The procedure is used to prepare professional athletes for physical loads and for rehabilitation after the sporting events (it enhances performance and reduces the time of recovery).

Ultrasound therapy is a method of treatment using 0.75–3 MHz longitudinal mechanical waves (vibrations). Ultrasound therapy promotes tissue regeneration, reduces sensitivity of damaged areas, relieves pain, swelling, inflammation, muscle spasms, increases elasticity of muscle fibers and scars, improves local blood circulation, metabolism and capillary permeability. Ultrasound therapy is used for degenerative dystrophic joint diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, etc.), in case of slower healing of fractures, for scars, contractures, acute and subacute injuries and inflammations, wounds, strained tendons and tendon inflammation, spine pain, radiculopathy and heel pain. Ultrasound therapy is also recommended after gynaecological, orthopaedic and other surgeries, since it promotes scar healing and reduces local inflammatory processes. This type of therapy is effective at treating chronic respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, etc.
Deep massage movements and viscosity of honey activate blood circulation. Massage eases away tiredness and gives feeling of freshness and weightlessness. Gentle warmth goes over the whole body. It is especially good during the winter season to prevent lung diseases, bronchitis. It also improves immune system. Massage with honey may be applied as a part of treatment for colds, coughs or spine aches. It also replaces body-peeling. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and resilient, provided with oxygen and other useful nourishing substances.
One hour 30 minutes massage brings tranquillity and bliss to both body and mind. The vegetative and essential oils used in the massage effectively relax tense muscles and tone them. The curative properties of oils are also effective in eliminating insomnia, reducing stress, providing spiritual and physical strength, and improving an overall functioning of many body systems. Essential oils are made from natural organic organically grown herbs and plants. They enter the body through the skin and are also inhaled during the massage. Each client in accordance with their wish can choose a desirable aroma.
Compression therapy (lymphatic drainage massage) is a procedure carried out using a special machine and intended for the improvement of lymph and vein blood circulation. Therapeutic effects: improving lymph circulation, expanding blood vessels, removing excess fluid accumulating in tissues, stimulates cell metabolism (therefore, the procedure is also used to treat cellulite), enhancing pain relief effect. Recommended in cases of primary and secondary lymphedema, venous and lymphatic edema caused by chronic vein insufficiency and postoperative edema, as well as for the improvement of blood circulation in varicose veins (enlarged leg veins), and for the prevention of thrombosis. The procedure stimulates lymphatic system and is suitable for almost any patient suffering from leg swelling or for anyone who feels tired at the end of a long workday.
Combination of an intense body scrub and a special slimming-firming massage. Special slimming massage technique and cosmetic products used for the treatment help to eliminate fat build-up and toxins from the body, restoring elasticity and firmness of tissues. The massage promotes microcirculation, raises body temperature, reduces fat build-up and drains the tissues. Obvious results after three procedures: slimmer silhouette and legs.
During the underwater massage the warm water stream relaxes muscles, eliminates muscle fatigue, and soothes muscle aches. The massage improves blood circulation, metabolism, and reduces vegetative and reflector disorders. Underwater massage is recommended for treating movement disorders, peripheral nervous system disorders, gynaecological, moderate unspecific lung or gastrointestinal tract diseases.
The StimaWELL system is designed for back treatment in accordance with the latest technological advances in the field. The system contains a stimulation mat with 12 integrated channels, which are operated sequentially (meaning one after the other), administering complex waves to the back. This kind of stimulation opens new therapeutic ways to back treatment. The StimaWELL  System combines midfrequency electrostimulation and heat therapy and thereby offers a multidimensional back stimulation. The dynamic deep waves enable intense muscle training which is experienced by the patient as a comfortable massage​
Mud baths improve blood circulation and metabolism, remove toxic substances and slags from the body. Strengthens the immune system and improves the overall well-being of the body. Organic matter in the form of jelly, sapropel, is extracted from Lake Gervin, which is surrounded by forests.. It is an ecological material, formed without thousands of technogenic pollution over thousands of years, rich in vitamin B, amino acids, micro and macro elements and biostimulants. Sapropel is much more active and valuable than peat often used in mud baths or in therapeutic procedures by applying on the body. The appropriate rate of sapropel is chosen by the physician based on each individual's needs.
Sapropel applications promote local blood circulation, improving tissue nutrition, speeding up resorption of inflammation areas and reducing activity of the inflammatory process. Medicinal mud relieves pain, vascular spasms, reduces capillary permeability, and normalizes immunobiological and neurovegetative reactivity of the body. Sapropel is used for full-body wraps, hand baths, mineral water and mud baths.


Pearl baths saturated with air bubbles. Temperature and mechanical factors affect nervous receptors of skin. Skin is affected by contrastive temperature (due to different gas heat conduction and heat susceptibility). Pearl baths relieve central nervous system, decrease irritability, increase body reactivity, improve circulatory system, activate metabolism.

During the ozone therapy, a bath is filled with ozone-saturated water, which has beneficial effects on the circulatory system, improves metabolism and has disinfectant properties. Environmental pollution, poor diet and stress lead to the formation of harmful molecules – free radicals – in the body. They damage cells and interfere with metabolic processes speeding up cell aging, resulting in wrinkles and tired-looking skin. Ozone is most effective in neutralizing free radicals. Moreover, ozone stimulates collagen production, restoring skin firmness and freshness. Ozone penetrates damaged rather than healthy tissue restoring its previous structure and eliminating the reason of aging. It promotes lymph circulation preventing accumulation of toxins and combating “orange peel” skin. Ozone has beneficial effects on our immune system and serves as an excellent preventive measure of infectious diseases.

During the ozone therapy, a bath is filled with ozone-saturated water, which has beneficial effects on the circulatory system, improves metabolism and has disinfectant properties. Environmental pollution, poor diet and stress lead to the formation of harmful molecules – free radicals – in the body. They damage cells and interfere with metabolic processes speeding up cell aging, resulting in wrinkles and tired-looking skin. Ozone is most effective in neutralizing free radicals. Moreover, ozone stimulates collagen production, restoring skin firmness and freshness. Ozone penetrates damaged rather than healthy tissue restoring its previous structure and eliminating the reason of aging. It promotes lymph circulation preventing accumulation of toxins and combating “orange peel” skin. Ozone has beneficial effects on our immune system and serves as an excellent preventive measure of infectious diseases.

In the bath the body is covered with CO2 bubbles provoking capillary enlargement due to which capillary circulation improves and the skin turns red. CO2 penetrates through skin and is inhaled what stimulates respiratory centre, deepens breathing and intensifies systole. Thus breathing eases down, circulation improves, arterial and venous blood pressure decreases.

Pine bath – tonic, healing bath, prescribed to treat central and peripheral nervous, cardiovascular system troubles, rheumatic pains, general body fatigue or cold.

Cade bath is applied for removal of salts accumulated in the body, healing of cellulite.

Birch leaves-buttons bath  is applied for the care of touched babies' skin (scalds, pustules, eczema). It is recommended when having psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis.

Large nettle bath – applied in case of rheumatic pains, articular, back pains, general body fatigue or cold. Also it is applied for healing of tired painful hands and legs.

Mineral water from “Vaidilutė“ spring, which due to its special chemical composition and physical features, has a positive effect on body‘s disordered functions, metabolic, biochemical and biophysical disturbances therefore is used for disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.  Chloride bromide sodium-potassium-calcium mineral water baths of high mineralization strengthen blood vessels lining, stimulate metabolic processes, and make the body resistant to adverse environmental impacts and diseases in pathogenesis of which immunity disorders take an important place. They are effective while treating immunity problems, dystrophic-degenerative processes in joints, sclerosis, obesity, alopecia, premature ageing, central nervous system and metabolic problems. Due to their effect muscles relax, vascular spasms are repressed, cardiac activity and neuro-regulative body functions improve. They are especially effective in healing certain circulatory, respiratory, digestive, neural, articular and gynaecological diseases.Relatively big amount of bromine in mineral water „Vaidilutė“ determines its relaxing effect on CNS (central nervous system), cutaneous receptors and skin palingenesis.
Propolis has antimicrobial effect: kills disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Propolis enhances immune function, stimulates metabolism, relieves pain and has antioxidative effect. Propolis effectively treats mouth and throat inflammation, common cold, laryngitis and bronchitis.
Inhalation is an effective procedure for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases. It is effective at treating bronchitis, asthma and residual effects of pneumonia. The procedure has positive effect on the respiratory tract, reduces inflammation and relieves cough. During the inhalation, substances in the mineral water quickly and easily pass into the body, stopping the inflammation.
Pure oxygen breathing strengthens body, improves all its processes, relieves fatigue, speeds up metabolism, fat burning processes, etc. It is believed that adequate concentration of oxygen in the body reduces the risk of cancer, since cancer cells do not multiply in a high-oxygen environment.

For healthy people, oxygen therapy:

·                     Effectively helps to stay healthy and rejuvenate the body

·                     Is excellent for people taking part in sports and wishing to increase the resilience of the body

·                     Is perfect for people who wish to lose weight, reduce cholesterol and uric acid content in blood

·                     Is ideal for actively working, studying and older people seeking to restore their physical and mental power.

Oxygen therapy treatment is recommended for:

·                     Impaired brain, retina and limb circulation

·                     After infarction and for coronary artery diseases

·                     For arrhythmia due to impaired heart muscle circulation

·                     For low or high blood pressure, migraine

·                     For depression

·                     Pneumona, bronchial asthma, upper respiratory tract infections

·                     Multiple sclerosis

·                     Meniere’s disease (nausea, vertigo, buzzing in ears)

·                     As an ancillary therapy in case of malignant diseases.

Oxygen therapy stimulates detoxication, rejuvenates and promotes vital functions, improves resilience.

Kinesitherapy is the treatment of disease by movements. It is one of the reconstructive treatment and rehabilitation means. The energy of movement is accumulated in mechanoreceptors and then transformed into nerve impulses, which induce the reconstructive action of the body. Kinesitherapy can be combined with physiotherapy and massage procedures
A person weighs only 1/10 of normal body weight in the water. The joints are less laden here and the position of diaphragm changes; it is easier to move, stand or walk in the water. The peripheral blood circulation improves along the exercise; the water relieves pain and muscle irritability, as well as improves the patient’s emotional state.

Nordic walking originated in Finland, where it is used as summer training for skiers since 1970. The first special poles were produced in 1997, and this walking method has turned into health-promotion (fitness) exercise.

Nordic walking is an effective way to treat respiratory and circulatory disorders, spine, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, osteopororis. It is also ideal for older and overweight people. Nordic walking is often used in sports as a method of physical training and rehabilitation after injuries.

The sanatorium offers a special procedure: water exercise with Hydrorider Aquabike. The lifting force of water helps to reduce the load on joints; therefore, aquabike exercise is recommended for orthopaedic patients: after joint replacement, knee and tarsal joint ligament surgeries, arthroscopic surgeries and Achilles tendon surgeries. It has been proven that water exercise reduces load on the cardiovascular system significantly; therefore, aquabike and aquatic treadmill exercise is recommended for cardiology and cardiac surgery patients. Due to the lower and more uniform load on the cardiorespiratory system, aquabike and aquatic treadmill exercise is ideal for respiratory patients. This type of exercise offers reduced load on joints, so it is recommended for those suffering from systemic diseases, such as fibromyalgia. Aquabike and aquatic treadmill exercise is safe for the joints; therefore, it is recommended for those suffering from rheumatic diseases and arthrosis. Throughout the exercise, patients are supervised by a physical therapist.
Vertical bath is an exercise complex with spine-stretching equipment and underwater massage zones. Exercises are chosen on an individual basis. After the procedure course (10-15 times) joint and back aches decrease and eventually are eliminated, while joint mobility increases. Also the procedure strengthens the muscles resulting in a person being able to withstand intense physical activity easier. Other results of vertical bath are improved functions of metabolism, loss of weight, and a feeling of a lighter mood. Vertical bath is recommended for people suffering from osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neurological and cardiovascular diseases, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, inter-vertebral disc  hernia, also after various injuries like bone fractures, joint sprains, brain and spinal chord injuries, microsurgical operations. It is also good after various lung operations, for people who are overweight or working hard mentally or physically, and for children with faulty posture or flat-foot

It is a relaxing, detoxifying treatment complex for men intended for the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  • Swimming-pool, bath and contrast shower complex(60 min.)
  • Relaxing aromatherapy massage (30 min)
  • Flotation therapy “Sklandyk ant debesėlio (Float on a Cloud)”
  • Aromatherapy and music therapy treatment
  • Relaxation massage (30 min)
Anti-stress, nourishing wellness procedure. 40 minutes of swimming in a mineral water pool will let you experience an underwater massage of feet, hips, calves, stomach as well as the pleasures of Turkish bath. In a Turkish bath, you will experience a deep body peeling with sea salt, which contains minerals that penetrate the skin and nourish it. The skin is left velvety soft. The procedure is completed with relaxing aromatherapy body massage, during which essential oils penetrate your body through the skin and respiratory tract. Active substances that they contain improve blood circulation and lymph flow, firm and tone the skin, act on central nervous system, reduce stress, eliminate insomnia, strengthen body’s resistance and improve functioning of the body’s systems.​

It is a wellness and beauty therapy complex recommended for women.

  • Swimming-pool, bath and contrast shower complex 1 h.
  • Soothing mineral water pearl bath
  • Relaxing aromatherapy massage (1 h)
  • Paraffin bath for hands
  • Aromatherapy and music therapy treatment
The body wrap procedure is a great way to beautify, brighten, moisturize and nourish the skin. During the procedure, fluids are drained from the tissues and body volumes are reduced. The components of the active ingredients included in the special masks for wraps act differently on the skin. Some masks moisturize, others break down fat, activate microcirculation. After the procedures, the skin visibly beautifies and the body relaxes.​

Body shape correcting-detoxifying procedure.

Underwater massage in the bath with fragrant oils 20 min.

Body scrub

Wrapping the body in self-heating mud

Relaxing body massage 20 min.

Massage of problem areas with a cellulite removing gel

Herbal tea drink.

Anti-ageing, skin-toning and glow-inducing procedure with mango and passion fruit body wrap.

  •  40-minute underwater massage session in a pool of mineral water and a steam room .
  • Body scrub with papaya and pineapple scrubbing salt. 
  • Body mask with a papaya and pineapple yoghurt wrap.
  • Relaxing aromatherapy massage (30 min)
  • Paraffin bath for the hands.

A procedure with black mud for soothing pain and treating various traumas and rheumatic illnesses. 

  • Gentle silk body scrub.
  • Body wrap in a mud wrap. 
  • Light 20-minutes general body massage.
  • Drinking mineral water or herbal tea


Body scrubbing deeply cleanses the skin, removes the layer of dead skin cells, cleanses pores, improves microcirculation, thus significantly improving skin condition and function. The skin becomes soft, smooth and elastic. It absorbs body care products much more easily, absorbs their nutrients. This procedure promotes the regeneration of the deeper layer of the epidermis, protects the skin from dehydration and increases the effectiveness of other measures used.​
Awakening body and mind, inspiring life and spring energy body and mind nurturing procedure. Wake up more charming than spring!

Pearl bath with refreshing mint essential oil

Body scrub with awakening milk scrub

Massage with skin nourishing herbal oil

Warm paraffin for smooth hands

Aroma and music therapy for body relaxation and freedom of thought

Fragrant, gently toning herbal tea
Paraffin therapy bath is a veritable way to treat patients suffering from systematic pain associated with arthritis, bursitis and chronic muscle inflammation. Paraffin therapy is also effective in relaxing muscles, reducing their stiffness and spasms, as well as in stimulating blood circulation. Paraffin therapy is given after suffering bone fractures, sprains, strains, or movement disorders caused by scar tissue. Paraffin not only effectively heats the tissues and muscles to provide pain relief, but it also leaves the skin hydrated and soft. It soothes and moisturizes the skin, opens pores, increases circulation, and promotes a sense of tranquillity
Paraffin therapy bath is a veritable way to treat patients suffering from systematic pain associated with arthritis, bursitis and chronic muscle inflammation. Paraffin therapy is also effective in relaxing muscles, reducing their stiffness and spasms, as well as in stimulating blood circulation. Paraffin therapy is given after suffering bone fractures, sprains, strains, or movement disorders caused by scar tissue. Paraffin not only effectively heats the tissues and muscles to provide pain relief, but it also leaves the skin hydrated and soft. It soothes and moisturizes the skin, opens pores, increases circulation, and promotes a sense of tranquillity.

It is a relaxing, detoxifying treatment complex for men intended for the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  • Swimming-pool, bath and contrast shower complex(60 min.)
  • Relaxing aromatherapy massage (30 min)
  • Flotation therapy “Sklandyk ant debesėlio (Float on a Cloud)”
  • Aromatherapy and music therapy treatment
  • Relaxation massage (30 min)
Facial skin care procedure. The procedure begins with a gentle exfoliation of the skin, which gently removes dirt and dead cells, promotes cell renewal, moisturizing and softens the top layer of skin. After scrubbing, the face is covered with a warm paraffin mask enriched with honey and milk. After the mask, the microcirculation and the process of facial skin renewal improve, blood circulation becomes more active, the skin becomes soft and smooth
Facial treatment to revive pale and lifeless skin. The procedure includes a gentle facial scrub, which removes dead skin cells and prepares the skin for face mask. A special complexion reviving mask is applied, facial massage is carried out. The procedure is recommended for normal and oily skin types.